Sunday, June 15, 2008


Today is Father's Day and we have some of the most wonderful fathers in our family. We want to pay tribute to them today.

The dad who seems to be the most seen and heard is Russell J. Allen. He is so wise and quick to offer his advice, wisdom, and anything else he might have. He is loving, kind, wise, gentle, understanding, intelligent, and best of all still good looking even at an older, more mature age. (That was mom speaking.) He is breaking into the grandpa mold very easily. He loves his grandkids and always thinks of them. We love you on this Father's Day and every day!

Grandpa Allen is the favorite father and grandpa from St. George, Utah. He is warm hearted, easy to please, always wanting the best for us. We love him for his humor, cute smile, gentle nature, and little limp. Thank you dad and grandpa for all you have been to us in our lives. We love you a million!

Another favorite dad and grandpa from Cedar City, Utah is Grandpa Winterrose. He stays young by golfing regularly and taking walks to Top Spot with grandma. He is kind, gentle, always giving or helping anyone who might need a hand. We love and adore you. Happy Father's Day.

1 comment:

Cassidy said...

What cute Father we have!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day!!