Believe it or not, McKay finally completed all of the requirements necessary to become an Eagle Scout. As always, Mom was the chief motivating factor along the way. Lately she had to become quite firm in her admonitions. Dad only had to take a kitchen knife away from her once during one of her latest motivation sessions. Actually the event went quite well and McKay did a pretty good job organizing and leading the project once Mom got him motivated. He ended up with a smaller group than he wanted but those who attended were pleased with the Sherrif's presentation and the child ID cards that were created for each attendee. Congradulations McKay on a job well done!
First Day of School 2013
11 years ago
I'm so proud of you Mac!!! Way to go!! That is an awesome accomplishment you can put on your resume'! I can't believe you are growing up so fast!
By the way, nice hair!
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