Sunday, March 21, 2010

We're Back !!!

It has been 9 months since we moved into our new home. We have been here long enough to celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.

This yard of ours is the most amazing we have ever had. Since this is our first spring here we are seeing new things pop up all of the time. Here it is the middle of March and we are seeing flowers and blossoms popping out everywhere. Here are a few pictures showing our yard welcoming spring!

Our first house guests were Cassidy and Brad with their two darling children. We had a great visit and enjoyed getting to know our grandchildren. On December 29th they added a new baby girl, Olivia, to their family. We are excited to see our posterity grow! At Christmas time the rest of the children were here with their families. Jonas and Cooper were a delight to celebrate Christmas with. Griffin's fiance, Kate, was here also. She fits right into the family. We love her and are excited for them to tie the knot on May 8th.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Presenting Our New Home

We finally feel comfortable that this new home is really going to happen.  Everything seems to be working out.  We are very excited and wanted to post a few pictures that we have been taking the last few weeks.  Every time we visit the house more flowers are blooming and plants are growing.  It is an awesome yard.  We will post pictures of the inside once we get moved in.  Here you go with a quick tour of the yard!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Happy Birthday to the best dad, husband, and best friend.  We love you so much!!!  May the next 50 years be as great as the first . . . I mean the first 54!  Here is a review of this great man.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Season is On!

Abby's basketball season is in full swing.  She is a starting forward for the Aloha High School Girl's varsity basketball team and is having a lot of fun (most of the time).  She is pretty darn intense and aggressive on the floor and isn't too fond of being taken out of the game.  When she is playing she is the team's best defensive hustler and scrapper and maybe the best rebounder. Much like her dad, she spends a lot of time on the floor after being run over, pushed, tripped or whatever. They are in a tough league and have only won a couple of games but she is still having a lot of fun.

Last night was the high school winter formal dance and Abby went.  She looked quite pretty in her formal and said they had a very good time.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas Newsletter!

Click on newsletter to make it larger!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

She's almost done!

Abby is getting closer to the inevitable-graduation.  Tuesday she will start the second trimester of her senior year.  We had some pictures taken of her for her senior picture.  She is not very excited that we are sharing them yet but we figure, why not?! Enjoy!

Her last year of soccer ended a while ago and she has now started her last season of basketball.  She is excited to be on the varsity team and is on the starting five.  

Monday, October 20, 2008

He's Come a Long Way!

We all remember the bashful, timid little guy who was always smiling.  

It's pretty hard to believe that Mac the Marine is the same kid.